About Us

HealthRabbit is owned and operated by the MacKay family and is based in Edmonton, Alberta. We started HealthRabbit because we believe that PHSPs can provide important benefits coverage to Canadians. We aim to serve and grow the market for managed health spending services and use our resources as we grow to strentghen public health in Canada.

We are in the ealry stages of our business and so you can expect some things to be a bit bare-bones to start, but we have plans to continually improve our service to make things more efficient for you. We'd love to hear if you had issues with something or found a process confusing. If there's a feature we should think about adding, then please speak up. You can always email hello(at)healthrabbit.ca if you have something on your mind. And of course, the more we grow, the faster we can implement new features, so if we're doing things right, please share with friends, family, and businesses you patronize!
